Orthopedic medicine is advancing by leaps and bounds. 30 years ago the prostheses were rubbery elements that camouflaged a metal clamp. Today we see the application of state-of-the-art technology as with this Esperbionics prostheses, with which a user can lead a completely normal life.
The myoelectric prostheses make use of sensors that capture the electrical signals on the arm of the user and then are processed to move the fingers very naturally. It doesn’t read minds, no, but the user gets that feeling after a few weeks of training.
This is the case of Nika, who signed up to receive one of these sperbionics prostheses and who tried it for the first time a month ago. His shocked face that he could hold a bottle of water is priceless. It is true that it is not a quick process and that it requires training.
A month later they have recorded a video of Nika performing complex movements and actions such as picking up a glass, taking a knife and cutting fruit or precision actions. It is certainly impressive.
How myoelectric prostheses works

This type of prosthesis makes use of sensors that monitor the electrical signals that reach the muscles of the limb in which it is placed. According to the user, it requires some small implants in the limb, but it is very basic surgery.
After that, some sensors capture these signals and pass them on to a microcontroller that allows them to be translated into movements of the prosthesis.
All four fingers and thumb can be controlled as well as wrist rotation, giving the user a fairly natural wearing feel. So much so that we see how Nika is capable of doing many unthinkable actions with another type of prosthesis.
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