Now it’s time to connect Telegram mobile application with Telegram web. If something can be blamed on Telegram as a platform, it is that its web app is notably behind in terms of its mobile and desktop applications. Interface, features… they are in the past and it is something that is obvious from the beginning. Something that they just solved twice.
After having launched an APK for Android apart from the application that we can find in Google Play, they have just multiplied the access routes to Telegram through the browser. The traditional Telegram Web is now joined by Telegram WebK and Telegram WebZ.
The experience offered by the new Telegram ‘web apps’ is much more similar to that found in current mobile and desktop applications.
Two web applications in alpha version that are much more similar to the experience of using the platform from mobile and desktop applications than traditional access. Finally.
Matching experiences with Telegram web
The company says it believes in internal competition and that these two new versions of Telegram Web – which work perfectly on both desktops and mobile devices – come to provide users with everything they may need in the daily use of the platform.
The two new Telegram web applications bring new features to the web that we have been enjoying for some time in native applications, such as support for animated stickers, dark mode or chat folders. According to Telegram, both version Z and version K have “important features that are not yet supported or are not fully implemented.”
Telegram WebK and Telegram WebZ have many of the latest great features of the platform, such as animated stickers or folders to classify chats
Telegram WebK and Telegram WebZ also highlight an evolution in the interface that in both cases, although they have differences, closely resemble the interface of mobile applications and not so much the Telegram application for Windows and macOS. They do not support voice chats, secrets or video calls, for example.

To use them, just enter and identify yourself as in the traditional Telegram Web. We will need to enter our mobile phone and then indicate a code that will arrive by message to the Telegram mobile application. We can also log in using a QR code: we will choose the option in the web app and we will read the QR with our Telegram mobile application from Settings > Devices > Scan QR code .