FaceTime not ringing: possible reasons and their solution

Sometimes we experience FaceTime not ringing or working problems. This is may be due to several reasons. Read following possible reasons if you experience it. FaceTime is an application that can operate on devices running the iOS operating system. This gives you the opportunity to communicate with friends and family via video call and thus to stay in contact even from a distance.

That’s why FaceTime not working

If you receive a call on FaceTime, it is usually announced by a ring. If this is not the case, there may be various causes that can often be quickly and easily checked and remedied. Check out following if you experience any FaceTime not ringing problems.

Facetime not ringing and working
  1. The first thing you should check is that you are connected to a WiFi network. This is the only way you can receive calls and accept them without interference.
  2. Also check whether your Apple ID is stored in the “ FaceTime” settings, as you are practically identified with this and can almost be seen as your telephone number.
  3. Check whether you have activated FaceTime in the settings of your device and activate it if necessary.
  4. If it only says “Waiting for activation”, this can be resolved by deactivating FaceTime once and then reactivating it.
  5. You must also check whether calls and ringing are not deactivated in your settings under “General”> “Restrictions”. If this is the case, activate the option.
  6. In order to be able to make calls via “Voice-over-IP”, it is also essential that both the time and the date are set correctly.
  7. If none of these options have the desired effect, a restart often helps. At the same time, an update is worthwhile to bring your device up to date.

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