When looms on the horizon a new Nintendo Direct of 50 minutazos focused on the future of Nintendo Switch, the first thing you do is feel some emotion. As in the big events. Second, as usual, it is to remember the promises made by the Big N. But getting our imaginations fired is, as Thanos would say, inevitable.
After all, 2020 has been an especially unique year for Switch users, and although there were great joys – such as Animal Crossing – it has not been on par with the first three years of the console. Now things change: Nintendo must measure itself against the new generation of Microsoft and Sony, and it is time to show the best cards.
Precisely for this reason, with one foot on the hype train that is about to leave and the other on the ground, from Technoeager we want to share the themes, promised games and announcements that should not be missing in the imminent Nintendo Direct. After all, leaving the Nintendo Direct Mini parked, this is Nintendo’s first major digital event in too long.
For this reason, we have divided our peculiar letter to the wise men written in the middle of February into three sections: what we hope to see, the titles and events that sooner or later must appear and, finally, that space in which we let our desires fly and imagination.
Without further ado, this is what we hope (and would like to see) at tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct.
For our part, and seeing that it will be the last batch of characters that the game will receive, we want it to fill the fans with fanservice by announcing fighters of the caliber of Rayman, Crash Bandicoot or, why not? Waluigi.
What should not be missing in the New Nintendo Direct
The most important stretch for Nintendo itself and for Switch users: after the launch of Super Mario 3D World, Nintendo will break down its roadmap for the first half of 2021.
The good thing here is that we know in advance many of the featured releases that the two-in-one console will receive from Nintendo this summer.
Sakurai to reveal new Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fighter

We agree that Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has too many swordsmen, but we are also open to suggestions. All in all, and seeing that there are three fighters to be announced and it will be one of the highlights of the event, it is time for Sakurai to hit the table.
Monster Hunter Rise
On its own merits, the next Monster Hunter has become one of the Nintendo Switch’s greatest claims: Capcom brings together the best of Monster Hunter World and the essence of the classics, but it also takes us to a new region and dares to innovate in mobility. Great news at the service of the greatest of all: the colossal creatures that we will face.
Apex legends

The arrival of the Battle Royale from Respawn, the creators of Titanfall, on Nintendo Switch is just around the corner. And that is good news for everyone: it is a very powerful shooter that also bets on the free-to-play model. It is time to show what nintendera will look like on the console.
Bravely Default II
Square Enix continues to give Switch players its most exquisite JRPGs, and the next must-see has its own name: Bravely Default II. A wonderful journey full of adventure and spectacular turn-based combat through five kingdoms that brings together the best of Squaresoft and Enix classics. Which is not small.
Capcom Arcade Stadium

The game that any fan of the glory days of the arcades should not be without. It is a collection composed of three batches of arcade classics with the signature and characteristic style of the creators of Street Fighter II. The 1943 – The Battle of Midway game is free to play and the other three game packs (32 games in total) can be purchased together or separately.
Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time

That Crash Bandicoot would appear again on Nintendo Switch was a matter of time, and in the case of the fourth installment that expression is not even painted on the rebellious Activision platform hero: the spirit of the PlayStation classics, an original story, a Slick presentation and loads of extras.
Ghosts’ n Goblins Resurrection
Capcom has a lot of openings on Nintendo Switch, but it also knows how to give its great classics a second chance: Ghosts’ n Goblins Resurrection promises to be the definitive update to the game that most tested our prowess in arcade and 8-bit consoles.
No More Heroes 3
After ten long years of absence, Travis Touchdown returns to Santa Destroy: Goichi Suda will once again drop his hair on a Nintendo console through an irreverent action proposal which is scheduled to launch this year. A game so powerful that we want it for yesterday.
New Pokémon Snap
There is no year in which Pikachu and company do not release a game on Nintendo Switch, and the one that will arrive in 2021 is a joy for veteran Pokémon fans: New Pokémon Snap takes up the premise of N64 and proposes us to portray the creatures of all the saga in exquisite photographs taken in its natural habitat.
What we want to see in this New Nintendo Direct

There are still many promises to fulfill on Nintendo Switch, and many of them refer us to their own presentation, back in January 2017.
Although we have many of these titles for this year, it will not hurt to offer a preview or new information on all those games that we continue to have on our wish list.
Bayonetta 3
In January 2021 Hideki Kamiya himself proposed to us “forget about Bayonetta 3” for a while. We’re so sorry, Kamiya: the Platinum Games witch is still very much present to us and we want to see her again in this Direct.
Metroid Prime 4
We are very aware that Metroid Prime 4 restarted its development to match expectations. However, it’s been a couple of years since Retro Studios resumed its role in the sensational first-person adventure saga. It is time to see Samus Aran again.
Genshin Impact

From the beginning, Genshin Impact was designed to be played on a multitude of platforms. However, the announced version of Nintendo Switch has not yet appeared. If MiHoYo was expecting a great event to date its open world on the Nintendo console, this is it.
Shin Megami Tensei V and Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster

The Shin Megami Tensei V thing comes from far back: Atlus announced it during the official presentation of the console and we are still waiting for it. The idea, as indicated in the summer of 2020, is to arrive throughout this year together with the remaster of Shin Megami Tensei III. We have not forgotten.
The Anniversaries of The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Pokémon and Golden Sun
While 2020 was an opportunity to celebrate the 35th anniversary of Super Mario Bros. in style, in 2021 we expect no less from its other star sagas: both The Legend of Zelda and Metroid will celebrate their 35th birthday since their arrival at the Japanese Famicom, and Pokémon will enter the quarter century. Which does not mean that the time has come to recover an exceptional saga: Golden Sun. We expect great news about the three sagas.
The sequel to The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
While we have some reference to the 35th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda, which will take place this week, what we really want is to know new details about the highly anticipated sequel to The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild.
Nintendo: give us these joys and we will be surprised
Dreaming is free, and these are our not-so-impossible dreams for the short and medium term future of Nintendo Switch.
New systems to Nintendo Switch Online
Tomorrow the new batch of NES and SNES classics will arrive on Nintendo Switch Online and, in fairness, they are somewhat far from matching the appeal of the first few batches of games. Nintendo: it is time to expand the catalog of retro systems. Maybe Game Boy?
Metroid Prime Trilogy

The rumors surrounding a reissue of the Metroid Prime Trilogy, originally released on Wii, go back a long way. And seeing the huge time lag between its original release and the arrival of a Metroid Prime 4 with no calendar date, its announcement made more sense than ever.
New apps for the eShop: from Twitch to Netflix

Nintendo didn’t include apps on the outlet Nintendo Switch for a reason: they wanted it to be considered a video game console and give their game catalog a boost.
Almost four years later, it is time to integrate an application with which to broadcast games on Twitch, watch Netflix or access the console’s limited web browser. Games are definitely not lacking.