Increase your productivity with these Chrome 61 keyboard shortcuts

Google Chrome

If you want to increase your productivity then you must learn with these Chrome 61 keyboard shortcuts. We are so used to working almost always in the same way with the computer that we practically do everything mechanically. This is generally a good thing, except when out of habit we get too complicated doing some things that we could speed up with a simple key combination.

That is why today we are going to offer you a small collection of keyboard shortcuts for Chrome . Many of them surely you already know them by heart, but it is also possible that there are a few more that you do not know. The Chrome commands will work for Windows and Linux , although in cases where they are different on Mac we will also add them.

Keyboard shortcuts for tabs and windows

When operating with our browser, it is important to have control of the tabs and windows. This not only implies using the classic shortcuts to open normal windows and tabs or in incognito mode, but also making it easier to navigate between them without having to touch the mouse and waste time while writing.

Especially useful can be the shortcut to navigate directly and in order between the first and eighth open tabs, as well as being able to open the last pages of our history in a new one. There are also them to exit Chrome by closing or without closing the tabs , something useful depending on whether you have activated the option to recover the previous session. Here are all the shortcuts.

  • Ctrl + N : Open new window. Mac is ⌘ + N .
  • Ctrl + Shift + N : Open new window in incognito mode. Mac is ⌘ + Shift + N .
  • Ctrl + T : Open new tab and go to it. Mac is ⌘ + T .
  • Ctrl + Shift + T : Reopen a newly closed tab and go to it. Mac is ⌘ + Shift + T .
  • Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + Page Down : Go to next tab. On Mac it’s ⌘ + Option + Right .
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab or Ctrl + Page Up : Go to previous tab. On Mac it’s ⌘ + Option + Left .
  • Ctrl + 1 to 8 : Go to specific tab. On Mac it is ⌘ + 1 to 8 .
  • Ctrl + 9 : Go to last tab. On Mac it is ⌘ + 9 .
  • Alt + Home : Open home page in active tab.
  • Alt + Left Arrow : Open previous page of history in active tab. On Mac it’s ⌘ + [or ⌘ + Left Arrow .
  • Alt + Right Arrow : Open next page of history in active tab. On Mac it is ⌘ +] or ⌘ + Right Arrow .
  • Ctrl + W or Ctrl + F4 : Close active tab.
  • Ctrl + Shift + W : Close all tabs and Chrome.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Q or Alt + F4 : Quit Chrome. Mac is ⌘ + Q .

Shortcuts for Chrome features

If there’s one thing some of us rely too heavily on the mouse for, it’s using Chrome features like bookmarks or the task manager . But if we are typing at a good pace, we may want to know some shortcuts that allow us to perform these and other options without having to take our hands off the keyboard.

Especially useful are those that allow us to select each of the interface elements , as well as open the search menu to locate specific words and navigate between the results. Here are all the shortcuts to be able to perform these and many other actions.

  • Alt + F, Alt + E or F10 : Open menu.
  • Ctrl + Shift + B : Show or hide bookmarks bar. Mac is ⌘ + Shift + B .
  • Ctrl + Shift + O : Open marcadores.En manager Mac is ⌘ + Option + B .
  • Ctrl + H : Open history. Mac is ⌘ + Y .
  • Ctrl + J : Open Downloads page. Mac is ⌘ + Shift + J .
  • Shift + Esc : Open Chrome Task Manager.
  • F6 : Select and toggle between address bar, bookmark bar and page content.
  • Shift + F6 : Select and toggle in reverse order: content, bookmarks, and directions.
  • Ctrl + F or F3 : Open the search bar. Mac is ⌘ + F .
  • Ctrl + G : Move forward on the page between the search results. Mac is ⌘ + G .
  • Ctrl + Shift + G : Go backwards in the page between the search results. Mac is ⌘ + Shift + G .
  • Ctrl + Shift + J or F12 : Open developer tools. Mac is ⌘ + Option + I .
  • Ctrl + Shift + Del : Clear browsing data. On Mac it’s ⌘ + Shift + Delete .
  • F1 : Open help.
  • Ctrl + Shift + M : Change user session or open incognito mode. Mac is ⌘ + Shift + M .

Keyboard shortcuts in the address bar

In general, when using the address bar we just click on it and choose the address of the page we want to enter or the term or phrase we want to search in Google. But yes, here we also have some keyboard shortcuts with which we can do many other things without touching the mouse.

For example, we can choose an alternative search engine, automatically insert the www and the .com to convert a word to the web or go browsing through the different words that make up a URL. And of course, we cannot forget the essential Ctrl + L to go directly to the address bar.

  • Name of a search engine + Tab : Search with another search engine.
  • Ctrl + Enter : Add www. and .com at the beginning and end of the word entered.
  • Alt + Enter : Add www. and .com at the beginning and end of the word entered and open in a new tab. On Mac it’s Control + Shift + Enter .
  • Ctrl + L, Alt + D or F6 : Go to the address bar. Mac is ⌘ + L .
  • Ctrl + K or Ctrl + E : Enter search term from anywhere on the page.
  • Ctrl + Right or Left Arrow : Advance to the next or previous word in the URL. On Mac it’s Shift + Option + Right or Left Arrow .

Actions on web pages

There are many things we can do when we are visiting a web page, from printing it to opening and gossiping its source code . These functions are usually performed with a simple right click of the mouse, but it is even easier to be able to do them without having to touch it. We can speed up our work using chrome keyword shortcuts on all web pages.

Some of these keyboard shortcuts are well known, such as the tab to move between the actionable items or the Ctrl + P to go to the print menu. But there is also some other a little more complex such as reloading a page from scratch ignoring the cache , or returning to the original size after having been touching the zoom more than necessary.

  • Ctrl + P : Print current page. Mac is ⌘ + P .
  • Ctrl + S : Save current page. Mac is ⌘ + S .
  • F5 or Ctrl + R : Reload current page. Mac is ⌘ + R .
  • Shift + F5 or Ctrl + Shift + R : Reload current page ignoring cache. Mac is ⌘ + Shift + R .
  • Esc : Stop page loading.
  • Tab : Move between the clickable elements of the page.
  • Shift + Tab : Go back between clickable elements on the page.
  • Ctrl + O : Open file. Mac is ⌘ + O .
  • Ctrl + U : Open source code in new tab. Mac is ⌘ + Option + U .
  • Ctrl + D : Add to bookmarks on Mac is ⌘ + D .
  • Ctrl + Shift + D : Save all tabs to bookmarks. Mac is ⌘ + Shift + D .
  • F11 : Full screen mode. On Mac it’s ⌘ + Ctrl + F
  • Ctrl and +, Ctrl and – : Zoom in or out. On Mac it is ⌘ and +, ⌘ and – .
  • Ctrl + 0 : Cancel zoom restoring default size. On Mac it is ⌘ + 0 .
  • Space or Page Down: Scroll down the page.
  • Shift + Space or PageUp : Scroll up the page.
  • Start, End : Go to the beginning or end of the page
  • Shift + Scroll : Scroll horizontally on the page.
  • Alt + Home : Open home page in current tab. Mac is ⌘ + Shift + H

Mouse combinations for Chrome

Chrome keyboard shortcuts can be combined to used with mouse. And finally, here we have a few combinations for which you will have to use the mouse. What is the sense then if we have to stop writing yes or yes to do them? Well, saving us the odd click, of course.

  • Drag link to the tab bar : To open it in an already open tab or in a new one.
  • Ctrl + Click : Open link in new tab. On Mac it is ⌘ + Click . You can also press the middle mouse button.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Click : Open link in new tab and go to it. On Mac it’s ⌘ + Shift + Click .
  • Shift + Click : Open link in new window.
  • Alt + Click : Download content from a link.
  • Drag tab out of the bar : Open tab in new window.
  • Ctrl + Scroll : Zoom in or out.

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