Although WhatsApp is the messaging app par excellence for billions of people around the world, it also gives us the opportunity to download all the data and then close the account forever.
Everything that surrounds Facebook, sooner or later is involved in controversy. Now it is WhatsApp’s turn and there are many who have decided to abandon the messaging app and go to Telegram and Signal. So much so, that the latter has broken user records in recent days.
Closing an account forever is possible on all current social networks, as well as applications, games, and streaming platforms. But few are those that let us download the data before deleting.
Throughout this article we will explain how to download WhatsApp data to later delete our account from the app indefinitely:
- We enter WhatsApp and click on the 3 vertical dots that appear in the upper right corner.
- Now we click on “Settings” and then on “Account” .
- Next, we find the option “Request my account information”.
- Inside they explain that when requesting the report a file is created with all the information of our WhatsApp account, but it does not include the messages of the chats .
- In about 3 days the report reaches us via email and we can download it and even transfer it to another application.
We wait until we have that file in our email and we can proceed to delete WhatsApp. Actually, we can delete our account whenever we want, but better having some data in case we want to save it.
To delete the WhatsApp account you just have to follow this path: 3 vertical dots -> Account -> Delete my account.
We can create a new account whenever we want, nothing prevents us. Also, deleting it does not erase the footprint of our data, that is, WhatsApp could have shared information with Facebook and other advertisers. What we do is delete our WhatsApp identity from the deletion of the account.
At the moment it is not known what will happen after the resolution of the monopoly lawsuit that affects Facebook, after which it could lose Instagram and WhatsApp. In addition, in view of the latest news, Facebook’s reputation and trust in that social network are seriously weakened.
A few days ago we set out to compare the main messaging applications to see which one took our privacy more into account. The results come out on their own …