At Prime Gaming they have agreed to give away the Battlefield saga practically in its entirety. If last month they gave Battlefield 4 as a gift, now, being subscribers to the platform, you can claim for free and stay forever with Battlefield 1, which takes us to the battlefields of the First World War, where we can pilot a wide variety of vehicles land, sea and air.

The best thing is that the thing does not stop there. If you are still wanting more, starting next August 2 you can request the Battlefield V code and thus join a digital collection of one of the most popular sagas of shooters on the market. In this case, the game takes us to World War II with a frantic campaign and a multiplayer loaded with options.
To claim them, you just have to go to the Twitch Prime loot and request it in the corresponding tab. Although it is faster if you click on this link. Of course, do not forget that you have to link your Amazon account with that of Origin to be able to redeem the game in question on the EA digital platform.
In Electronic Arts they are preparing their final foray with the launch of Battlefield 2042, which will arrive in October to offer exclusively multiplayer content, without a narrative campaign, but with a lot of options to face other players. Stay tuned for EA Play 2021, where we will probably know what’s new.