Clubhouse, a very peculiar social network that where people all over the world can communicate each other through special invitations. Now, with all the mess we have between Telegram, WhatsApp and the information that social networks like Facebook collect from us, users are eager to discover new social networks that excite us. Clubhouse is a social network application, it is not a dating app.
The issue of social networks and messaging applications seems to be in a washing machine with the spin program at maximum power, and when everything calms down, it is not yet known what will come of it.
Every day there is a social network or messaging app that floods the headlines and becomes a Trending Topic, and the vast majority of times it is not for good reasons. Now a social network appears again that may or may not sound familiar to us.
We are talking about Clubhouse, but to understand it we have to shelve everything we know so far, since we are used to writing and showing images. Clubhouse breaks the rules of the game and offers a social network where audios are prioritized.
This should not sound strange to us, because despite the fact that video is the king of content, audio is gaining a lot of prominence. So much so, that podcasts are gaining audience again, even audiobooks are climbing the ladder on Spotify and even Netflix could bet on content without video, only audio.
Now Clubhouse is committed to a space for conversations only by audio. The negative side is that at the moment it can only be accessed by invitation and, to make matters worse, this app can only be downloaded from the App Store.
How does Clubhouse work, themed rooms to chat freely
Perhaps there is no better summary of Clubhouse than what we have done in the title. Clubhouse is a free app that is accessed via invitation and that inside we find different rooms and each one with a theme and a moderator. By accessing a topic we can participate in the debate, or not. Maybe we just want to be listeners.
Something very curious about Clubhouse is that at 10 at night the atmosphere changes and it becomes a kind of bar talk and it is forbidden to talk about technology.
At the moment the majority of users are American, so it will be difficult to find debates in our language. We believe that little by little there will be more audiences in other countries and more rooms of our interest.
Regarding the operation, in Clubhouse there is a brief biography of each user, you can also follow other users, we will receive notifications from the rooms that interest us, if they follow us we will be notified, etc. If we do not comply with the rules we can be reprimanded and even expelled.
How to get invited in Clubhouse
Clubhouse, a select club for a few in society. If we want to be part of the Clubhouse we can do one of these things:
- Someone inside give us an invitation.
- Enter directly and reserve a name. That is, download the app, reserve our username and wait on the waiting list. In this way, if someone inside recognizes us, they can let us in even if they don’t have invitations to offer.

Each new Clubhouse user has two invitations and he decides who he gives them to. Every time a user enters the app, participates, creates rooms, and more, they will gain experience and seniority, and that translates into a greater number of invitations.

To register in Clubhouse we can import our Twitter account, or fill out the form with our full name, telephone number and username.
As we say, the app is only available for iOS, but it is rumored that it will soon arrive on Android. The latter would not surprise us, since who did not want to chat freely with Elon Musk, Aston Kutcher, Jared Leto, Oprah Winfrey, among others.
However, the app has a great handicap: you can only access it if someone gives you permission. You can download Clubhouse on the App Store , but sadly you won’t be able to move from that point.
So much so that a black market has even been generated to get a pass to the application, after Elon Musk gave a talk a couple of days ago.
It is not easy to access, but if you are wondering how to get an invitation to Clubhouse and thus be within the fashion application, here you will find the answer.
How to get a Clubhouse invitation through two different channels
Getting a Clubhouse invitation is not easy, but you can get it in two different ways.
The fastest way is for you to meet someone who is inside the app. Each Clubhouse user has two invitations that they can give to whoever they want and if you ask them, they can still give you the pass.
If they have run out, don’t worry: that same user can get a few more if they create rooms, intervene in rooms or are very active on the platform. Through these small merits to give the app more punch, you can get more invitations and save one for yourself.
The slowest way to get a Clubhouse invitation is to download the application and click on the Get your username button. Here you simply write your name and leave your phone number to enter a kind of waiting list that works somewhat differently: if someone who knows you sees that you want to enter, they can simply give you access to the app.
As you can see, it is not easy to get a Clubhouse invitation, but surely with some patience you can get it.
If in the end there is no luck, keep in mind that the company has already warned that little by little they will open the range more, even reaching Android devices, so even in a short or long period of time, the app stops restricting access and you can enter freely.