Twitter spaces release date for everyone is on this Apeil. Twitter has not been slow to ride the wave of Clubhouse, the new fashion social network. In April it will deploy Spaces for all its users, Android or iOS.
It is common for different social networks to feed on the good ideas that others have. If people like vertical videos with limited duration, they all include them on their platforms. If the latest craze is audio conference rooms, a new section is created.
This is how Twitter Spaces was born, a function that imitates the Clubhouse social network, the latest craze on the internet. As in this new social network, Twitter Spaces creates rooms for people to listen to live audio from other users, such as a conference with several speakers but in podcast format.

Spaces was announced a month ago, but so far it has remained in the testing phase and only a lucky few had access to this novelty. Something that seems to be changing from April. Twitter has announced that the rest of tweeters will have these audio rooms available from next month.
Twitter has followed the same strategy as Clubhouse, prioritizing iPhone users ahead of Android users, and it is in the Apple Store where we find that message announcing the arrival of Spaces. However, the initial feeling of illusion is drowned out when it is known, through a space published by Twitter, that it will not be displayed for everyone for a month, as explained in The Verge.
It is somewhat strange that Twitter announces Spaces through Spaces, allowing access to the ad only to those who already have access to Spaces, worth the redundancy. IOS and Android users who don’t have access yet have no choice but to get on with their lives until Twitter finally announces Twitter spaces release.
By then, we will see how in the Fleets bar (the imitation of Instagram Stories) purple circles appear next to the traditional blue ones. Those are the Spaces rooms that we can join and listen to the conversation, as well as participate in these roundtables or create our own.