The road of bones is the coldest highway and shortest path in Russia. Google has had to change one of its routes after a young man, Sergei Ustinov, died after following the recommendations of what, according to Google Maps, was the shortest route. Ustinov was traveling with a friend, who was also in serious condition, inside the car, on a snowy route through the so-called “highway of bones”.
This highway connects Yakutsk (Russia), considered the coldest city in the world with temperatures of up to 50 degrees below zero, with Madagan, another Russian city. The route, of more than 2,000 kilometers , was three hours faster on the route that Google Maps showed, although after the fatal accident Google has decided to eliminate the passage on this road.
“The road of bones”, one of the coldest in the world

The Kolyma highway, also known as the “highway of bones ” and with the code M56, is a highway of more than 2,000 kilometers that connects Magadan and Yakutsk, in Russia. It was built and gets its nickname “bones” because literally the bones of the prisoners who died in its construction were placed under the road and its surroundings as porous material for the construction mix.
Today the road is in terrible condition , with sections destroyed by floods. In the middle of December, temperatures can reach -50 degrees on this road, something that complicates the journey even more, due to the frosts. Google Maps indicated to the two young men that this was the shortest route, so they followed it.
After the car was damaged and stopped. One of the young men could not bear the low temperatures and died. His partner was found in serious condition
The car was damaged, according to Siberiantimes, due to a broken radiator. Ustinov died from not bearing the temperature and his partner was found in serious condition. The source also relates that the car’s passengers were not dressed properly to withstand the extreme cold, and that the car was not prepared for a trip in these conditions either. However, Google has decided to take action on the matter.
Google Maps has eliminated the passage through this road after the news, so any Russian route that, in principle, passed through it, will now have the alternative route as a default.