Recently Google Map new updates globally has been rolled out all over the world. Google Maps has become one of the best map applications due to Google’s effort to improve it update after update. Its next change does not add new functions, but it is capable of improving our user experience by changing the layout of the maps.
What improvements does the next version bring? How did they do it? How will it affect us in the user experience? We tell you everything you need to know about this new version.
Google Maps updates its design to show more realistic images

Google Maps new updates don’t need any updates of app. One of the aspects that characterize Google Maps is that due to its satellite network it is capable of capturing high resolution images for more than 98% of the planet. These images captured by satellites cannot improve the hardware technology (since the satellites are in orbit they are). However, the detailed information captured by Google can improve map modeling through software. This new coloring technique uses computer vision to combine the information on the map with that captured by satellite. This vision is trained to find arid, frozen land, with forest and mountainous regions. All of these areas are added to the HSV color layer , resulting in much richer information.
In addition to natural areas, the new Google Maps vision layer is capable of offering a more accurate vision in cities, better identifying crosswalks and pedestrian areas. This information will also indicate the width of these areas, being particularly useful for people with wheelchairs.

The new Google Maps design begins to roll out this week, and it is planned to be fully functional from September 15 , so it is a matter of days before you can enjoy these colorful maps. As always, this type of deployment is not done in the application, but from Google’s own servers. Still, it is highly recommended that you have the application fully updated.
This change will not only apply to the Google Maps application, but also to those applications that use Google Maps as a resource. If you are a developer and you use Google Maps in your projects, we recommend that you read all the details.