The cableporn is the management of cables beautifully. Wireless technologies promised a few years ago to avoid the use of cables for many daily scenarios, but the truth is that at the moment nothing can replace a good cable if you want to obtain the best performance. That causes that in the end we find ourselves with tangles of cables that “dirty” offices, rooms and data centers. This is where the mind-blowing cableporn phenomenon comes in.
This unique offshoot of porn is especially freaky, turning those tangles of cables into little masterpieces of cable management. Well aligned and organized these groups of cables show that those offices, those rooms and especially those data centers can be worthy of being photographed as monuments to order and color. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.
A visual delight that also makes a lot of practical sense
There are literally thousands of examples of this philosophy on Reddit, where the / r / cableporn subrreddit serves as a meeting point for fans of this unique technological art. There we can see many, especially images of cables meticulously aligned and ordered in data centers and servers, but there are also examples that show that in the office and at home that cable management can make your workplace also different (and better., at least visually).
These types of cable management systems not only fulfill this “plastic” objective: they are also often the best way to optimize both the space occupied by these cables and their subsequent location and, of course, replacement if necessary.
This is especially true in data centers where the correct labeling of a cable facilitates rapid changes in installations in which thousands of them are mixed to communicate all the servers, workstations, switches, routers and other equipment installed to give the service.
Long live order in the cables, also at home
That philosophy in which cables become allies and not enemies has been in fact key to the appearance of a whole new series of accessories and elements that serve precisely to organize cables and achieve that chaos becomes order.
Many manufacturers in fact offer elements of this type in PC monitors, for example, but tables or accessories for tables are also sold that allow you to organize the cables to have them better located and routed and, of course, so that they are not seen so much in the computer.
But this movement has led to the appearance of design solutions that allow us to achieve that desired effect of turning tangles of cables into elements that contribute to the appearance of our workstation, our living room or our kitchen ends up being surprising. Here, as always, you just have to do a little digging for inspiration.
From #cableporn to #cablegore
We also see a “small-scale” example of that hobby in building PCs by users, who increasingly pay attention to cable management.

They do it both to achieve a more attractive visual appearance of the interior of the computer and for another equally relevant function: that the cooling is optimal inside the PC and that the air flow is not hindered by badly placed cables. By the way, there is another subrredit dedicated to this topic, / r / cablemanagement.
As we say, there are literally thousands of examples of that “cable porn” that is capable of flooding everything and that in fact ends up being hypnotizing. It almost makes you want to drop everything and start applying those #cableporn principles at home and in the office, right?
Especially considering that the ever-surprising Reddit also has another subrredit dedicated precisely to the opposite: those examples of hideously wired installations. The name of that subrredit says it all: / r / cablegore.
But let’s leave those tangled nightmares to enjoy a little of that little prodigy of order and color. Here are some samples of those #cableporn works of art.

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