In a few years now, the programs belonging to the web browsing sector have become fundamental. These are found installed in most computers, whether mobile or desktop. Despite the fact that there are many alternatives, most opt for Google Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
These could be considered as the most used and widespread programs of this type in the world. Apart from these we can find many other alternatives that sometimes stand out for certain types of use or special characteristics. With this is what we want to tell you is that we can use other browsers that are not so well known or used, I think they offer us different things that we could take into account. In fact, it could be said that despite the fact that these three proposals that we are commenting on are the usual ones, on many occasions we should discard them.
In these times for many, Chrome, Firefox and Edge browsers should be eliminated from our computer as soon as possible. There are several reasons that could lead us to this decision, although on many occasions we will appreciate it over time. This is everything we want to talk about next, that is, about some of the main reasons why you should delete these web browsers right now. It is true that, if we are used to its daily use, sometimes it can cost us a little to change our habits.
However, due to some of the inconveniences that these programs present us, we will appreciate it in time.
Change browsers and forget Chrome, Firefox or Edge

First of all, we must bear in mind that these programs are packed with functions that try to meet our needs. However, this can also translate to heavy, resource-intensive applications. We can always opt for a lighter browser, especially if we have an old computer.
And that’s not all, since these three proposals also tend to take up much more disk space than other less known and limited ones. On the other hand, we find everything related to security and privacy. In this sense, from the aforementioned proposals, perhaps Firefox will take care of our privacy a little more. But it goes without saying that companies such as Microsoft or Google have no problem collecting user data through their programs. How could it be otherwise this is obviously extensible to Chrome and Edge. At this point we can always use other applications of this type such as Tor Browser or Brave that prioritize this section.
Surely many of you have heard of the operating system most prone to attack is Windows, largely because it is the most used. Well, something similar happens with these browsers that we discussed. They have hundreds of millions of users around the world, so attackers target these to access our data in illegitimate ways. Hence precisely the constant updates and patches they receive. At the same time, if we opt for another less popular option, we will surely gain in security.
In addition, we must bear in mind that on many occasions we look for software that meets what is necessary, without further ado. We already told you before that these popular and used browsers are full of functions that in many cases we do not need at all, they only complicate their daily use. Hence precisely that we could opt for other simpler and more effective proposals when browsing the internet.