When we surf the Internet, we can do it directly with our connection or also through a proxy. The latter case is a service that acts as an intermediary, something that allows to hide the real IP address, the location or act as a web cache. Although they are very useful in certain cases, they can also affect navigation. They can especially weigh on your internet speed. In this article we are going to talk about a series of pages that we can use to find out if we are connected to the Internet through a proxy.
How a proxy works
A proxy server is basically a program or device that acts as an intermediary between our computer and the destination server. For example, let’s say we are using the computer to enter a web page. We have a proxy installed in the system and it will finally send the information to the server of that website.
The page we visit will not know where we are, or what our IP address is. What you receive is the information of that proxy that we are using. It is a way of accessing the network with a shield that can protect us to a certain extent and prevent certain data from being leaked.
Although it has some advantages, such as having greater anonymity on the network or being able to access services that may be restricted by IP, we must also be aware that it has disadvantages. One of them is the speed of the Internet, since normally these services are going to make it go much slower.
Pages to know if we navigate through a proxy
There are different websites that allow us to know if we are browsing through a proxy. This can be very useful to know if we have it well configured and it is acting as it should. Also to detect if the IP address is being leaked or to find problems with the connection.
What is my IP address?
It is one of the most popular pages. It allows us to quickly and easily know whether or not we are connected through a proxy. In What is my IP we will see information about the IP address with which we browse, which is the provider and, in this way, know if the proxy works properly and is acting as an intermediary or not.
Below the IP address, as we see in the image, it shows us whether or not we are browsing through a proxy. In this case we are not and, as we can see, “no” appears. If we were browsing these types of services, it would tell us. In addition, we will see which is the provider, which will correspond to the operator that we have contracted.
What is My Proxy
Another quite complete website, with a lot of information about the connection, is What is My Proxy. Again we are facing a free service and where we only have to access its page to see data about the IP address or location. This will help us determine whether or not we are browsing through a proxy.
If we browse through a proxy and it works correctly, it should not show our IP and real location. It also shows us information about which server we are using or the operator. All this allows us to know if this type of program works well or not.
Advanced Proxy Check
This test is quite complete. It does not carry out a simple check to determine whether or not we are browsing through an intermediary, but rather shows us a complete table where we can see data related to the connection and a series of tests that informs about whether the connection is direct or not.
To use it you have to go to their website. There we will see a phrase where it tells us if we are connected or not through a proxy. In this case we see that it is not and it shows us the phrase Proxy server not detected. It would change if we are effectively connected through these types of services.
This case is somewhat different from the rest. We will also be able to find out if we browse through a proxy or not. The first thing we need to know is what is our IP or the IP address with which we are browsing at that moment. This will allow us to obtain the information we are looking for.

Later we have to enter their web page and a bar will appear to put the corresponding IP address. We simply have to search and in a few seconds it will tell us if that IP address corresponds to a proxy or not. We will know in a simple way if we are browsing directly on the Internet or through a proxy.
Proxy Detector by IP-Check.net
This web page is another alternative to detect if our connection works through a proxy. It is really simple to use, since we only have to access its page and there it will begin to launch a series of data, in addition to determining if we browse by proxy or not.
At the top we will see a box where it shows us whether or not we are browsing through a proxy, the name of the server and the IP address. This is what interests us for our purpose. But also, in the menu on the left we will find different tools that can be useful, all of them related to the connection.
The free Whoer service shows us a series of interesting information about our Internet connection. We will see the IP address, the operator, the installed operating system, the browser we are using and, also, whether or not we are browsing through a proxy server.
This will allow us to know if the proxy we have is really working, in case we have configured one. In addition, we can have data that may be interesting, such as what is the IP with which we navigate.
Checking Tools Proxy Check
One more page that we have available is the Checking Tools. There we will find the Proxy Check tool, which helps us determine whether or not we are browsing through a proxy and find information about our connection, such as the IP address for example.
It is very easy to use. We just have to enter your website and there, automatically, it will show us the data that corresponds to what we are looking for.
In short, these are some free services that we can use to know at all times whether or not we are browsing through a proxy. They are also very useful to see data related to the connection, such as the IP address, location or the operator that we are using.