How to create and start a blog in WordPress

If you want to create and start WordPress blog then follow the given steps carefully. You have always had that curiosity and you already want to take the step. You want to open a blog to talk about what you are passionate about, or even to dedicate yourself completely to it to forge your future in the digital sector. Surely you are here because you already have it clear, but just in case, let’s clarify it. The best way to create a blog today is with WordPress.

For convenience, for speed, for compatibility and for everything it does. This content manager has become the modern standard, in fact, there are companies like Webempresa that offer servers specialized in the use of WP. And, if you are going to build your website using it, it is important to have an optimized, fast and secure WordPress hosting. There you have the first step to take into account to create your blog in WP, the rest we will explain to you below.

Steps to create and start your blog in WordPress

How to start WordPress blog

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that to create a professional blog it is necessary to pay for costs such as hosting and domain. If you want, you can opt for the free option offered by WordPress itself , but here we are going to focus on explaining the steps you have to follow if you want to do something of quality and of your own , if you want to shape your own blog in WordPress.

It is a fairly simple process, since we are talking about a CMS that dazzles for its flexibility and the facilities it offers , as well as for the number of plugins and how standardized it is. It will not be a difficult process, but it will be something that requires patience, because you will not be able to do it in a matter of minutes. Creating your blog in WordPress requires time, and here we are going to explain how to proceed step by step.

Buy the domain to create WordPress blog

The first step of all is the hiring or purchase of the domain. You should know that the domain is the address, the name that will be given to your blog when someone types that address in their browser. Therefore, you should choose something that is easy to remember, that indicates the topic to be discussed, that is also easy to pronounce, has hook and, of course, that has a recognizable extension.

With the latter we mean hiring domains with extensions such as “.com” or “.net”, although “.org” are also valid . As a recommendation, avoid using a unique extension of the country, such as the “.es” of Spain, as this has a negative influence on search engine positioning, and we know that opening a blog implies broadening horizons to receive more visits from different users. We must also tell you that it does not take long to contract the domain if you are clear about it, they can overtake you on the right.

Once you have a clear domain and you have chosen one at good prices, it is time to move on to the next point. You have the web , now what is needed is the computer on which it is going to be hosted in order to start working and maintain all the traffic it may have.

Hire the hosting

Now is the time to look for the team that hosts your website, that is, the hosting or server . To hire him, he resorts to a reliable company such as Webempresa , specialized in this type of service. You will have different plans to choose from that will change both the price and the benefits and the possibilities of your hosting team. We recommend starting with something inexpensive, since in its first months, a blog never manages to reach a mass audience.

This step is very simple , especially if you are clear about the company to count on, since you will only have to pay for the chosen plan, create your user / client account and start modifying some of your hosting data. It is extremely important to check that the HTTPS security certificate is installed , as well as everything related to the privacy of visitors. In general, it is something that is already activated beforehand.

But, above all that. Once you have the hosting you need to start fiddling with it using the tools desk that is offered to you. The best known is currently cPanel , since it is quite easy to use. It is just what you will need to be able to carry out the next step.

Install WordPress

Now is the time to install WordPress . It is not something complicated, especially with how the user panels have advanced in servers and hostings. You will only have to access the installation section of web applications or content managers and, within this, choose WordPress. It is possible, however, that you have contracted a WP Hosting and that, therefore, it is already pre-installed. If so, go to the next point. If not, stay here.

When installing WordPress you will have to choose the domain and mark the options that suit you depending on the type of website you are going to build. This is one of the simplest steps. So much so that we can go to the last one.

Choose a template and plugins

To create and start a new WordPress blog you have to start with themes. You have WP installed, but you need to shape it so it isn’t too stark. That’s where templates and plugins come in. With the first you will determine all the appearance that your website will have and a large part of its distribution. Choosing a theme or template is as simple as going to the editing panel of your website and, within this, enter Appearance and Themes to choose the one you want.

There are free and paid options, so the choice is up to you. Then you will have to choose, install and activate easily. Also, plugins are necessary to improve the user experience on the web by offering more functions. Through the official WordPress website you can find the ones you want and install them easily.

With this, you already know what it takes to set up your blog in WordPress easily and simply. If you want to know more information about WordPress, do not hesitate to consult its official page.

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