It is possible in Windows 10 to create an indelible folder to free them from prying eyes, and we can also protect them so that it is more difficult to delete them if at some point someone else finds them. But not only for that, but it can be useful for ourselves, in case we accidentally delete it.
There are systems, especially for mobile phones, that allow us to create what are called Safe, that is, folders protected either with a password or with biometric unlocking, where we can save what we want without fear that no one can see or delete it.
Windows 10 does not have anything like this natively, but thanks to some trick we can make a folder hide and nobody can see it, in addition to protecting it in case you want to delete it.
It is not a foolproof system, but it is the closest we can get to Microsoft’s operating system. Anyone who enters the File Explorer will not be able to see this folder, so we make sure that there is no type of incident with it.
How do we hide a folder in Windows 10?
As you will be able to see, hiding a folder is extremely simple and we will not have to go through excessive turns to make a certain folder invisible to the eyes of others.
In the past we could use some tricks in the command prompt to create folders that could not be deleted and that we could hide so that no one could see them, but right now that method no longer works, since with certain updates Microsoft solved those gaps that it had his system.
This means that we will have to do everything from the File Explorer, a place that will be easier for us because we use it often, but compared to what we could do with the command prompt it is somewhat less effective.
We must perform the following steps to make a folder hidden:

- We open File Explorer and we don’t go exactly where we want on our hard drives. That is, we go to the place where we want to save our future hidden folder.
- At that moment we click on the right mouse button and choose New to then click on Folder.
- Now we must give the name we want to the folder we just created.
- Once it has the name and everything we want it to carry inside, it is time to right-click on that folder and select Properties.
- At that time and in the General tab, which is the one that comes out by default, we will see at the bottom how it says Hidden. Right there we must press so that the folder is hidden from everyone’s view.
- Now all you have to do is click on Apply and OK, which will make all the sub folders and files in this folder hidden.
If at the time of performing this action the folder disappears from your view, that means that you do not have the system activated by which you can see the files and folders that are hidden.
This is good for you, because that way no one will see your folder anymore, but if you want to put more data in it or want to open it, you will have to perform a few simple steps.

- Do not leave File Explorer and go to the top where it says Vista and press.
- Now we must mark the option Hidden elements that is inside Show or hide.
- In this way we will see how the folder reappears, but it has the drawing blurred, which indicates that it is a hidden folder.
- If we don’t want anyone to see this folder, Hidden items should be disabled.
How to make a folder almost indelible in Windows 10?
We are not going to fool you, because making a folder that cannot be deleted natively in Windows 10 is not possible, but we do have a trick with which we will get it as close as possible.
We are going to use the folder that we have hidden, which we created in the previous step and we will do a trick to make it difficult to delete it.

- Right click on the folder and choose Properties.
- Now we go down completely and click on Read only (only for files in the folder).
- You just have to click on Apply and then OK.
- With that we get that both the folder and everything inside it, will become read-only, so it cannot be manipulated in any way, unless the button that we pressed before is deactivated. This means that it cannot be erased either.
Thanks to this trick, nobody is going to be able to perform any action that can modify anything that folder has, so it is a fairly correct way to protect it against someone trying to delete it.
With these tricks that we have explained to you, we will be able to hide and make it impossible to delete a Windows 10 folder. They are not infallible, but it is the best that the Microsoft operating system offers us for this purpose.
In Technoeager | How to change the default folder location in Windows 10