Windows is the most used operating system worldwide, by millions of users. However, this dictates a lot to be perfect and sometimes we can find certain problems that can make us despair. Errors that sometimes we do not know where they appear from, such as the one that says “Something happened and we could not install a function” , without doing any operation.
Fortunately, it is not that we have done anything wrong, but that it is a common problem that affects the Microsoft operating system and that is quite annoying since it can appear with certain frequency. Luckily, it is possible to remedy it with some quick fixes that we can easily carry out.
Reasons for this error
The appearance of this annoying error can cause more than one headache for many users, since they will surely appear when they least expected it and without having made any mistakes. The origin of this may be due to compatibility problems with a program that we recently installed or with the drivers. It is also caused when the operating system is not able to install the optional updates automatically in the background, due to unknown problems of this, such as the lack of storage on the hard disk, among others.
The truth is that, regardless of what causes the appearance of this error, it is something quite frustrating that can cause more than one headache if we want to end it and we do not know very well how. To avoid this, we will teach you different ways we have to remedy it forever.
Steps to fix the error
Next, we are going to look at different actions we can take to put an end to the annoying “Something happened and we couldn’t install a feature” error.
Storage issues
The problem with the appearance of this error message may be related to the lack of storage space on our hard drive. This is because, if Windows needs to install applications, it will not have enough space for it, so they cannot be installed and consequently it will cause this error to appear.To check if we have run out of disk space, we must access the Windows Settings menu, using the keyboard shortcut “Windows + I”. Subsequently, we select the System section.
This will bring up a new window, where we will click on Storage in the left panel. Now on the right side we can see how much disk space our main unit has and how it is distributed according to the Desktop, Applications and features, Temporary files, Music and others. We can click on each section to eliminate everything that we do not need.
Use Local Group Policy Editor

In order to solve the error “Something happened and we could not install a function” we can use the Local Group Policy Editor. To do this we must press the keyboard shortcut Windows + R to launch the Run command. Later we write gpedit.msc and press Enter or the OK button.Once in the Editor, we must navigate to the following path.
Here we must look for “Specify the configuration for the installation and repair of components, options and repair of components” and double-click on it.
In the new window, click on Enabled. Finally, click on Apply and OK to save the changes and restart the PC.
Check essential services
It is also important to check that certain services that are essential for the proper functioning of the system are running. That is why it is convenient to review them and check if they are disabled or not running in order to solve it.
To do this, we must press the Windows + R shortcut so that the Run command appears. Here we write services.msc and press Enter or the OK button. Once the Services window appears, we must look for the following:
- Windows Update.
- NetBIOS auxiliary application over TCP / IP.
- Server.
- Workstation.
- IPsec key creation modules for IKE and AuthIP.
Next, we must double click on each of these services to verify its type of start. This should be Automatic for everyone. If this is not the case, we must change it to Automatic, press OK to save the changes and exit. Finally, we restart the computer and check if the error persists.
Delete the SoftwareDistribution folder
When storing temporary files when an update is run, Windows Update makes use of the SoftwareDistribution folder. Although it is not convenient to touch this folder, in case we need to solve a problem, we can delete it. If Windows needs it to download files, it will recreate it again.
To proceed with its deletion we must open the Command Prompt. To do this we write cmd in the search box of the Start menu and make sure to Run as administrator. Later we write the following command and press Enter:
Next, without closing the Command Prompt window, we must use the File Explorer to navigate to the next path and delete all the contents of the folder.
We return to the command prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:
Finally, we type Check for updates in the search box of the Start menu and open Windows Update. We click on Check for updates and install them. The error should no longer appear.
Create new registry key DWORD
If none of the above has worked, we can try creating a new DWORD key in the Windows Registry editor. Of course, we must bear in mind that any unwanted modification can cause performance problems in the system, so we must use it at the own risk of each user.
The first thing to do is press the keyboard shortcut “Windows + R” to launch the “Run” command. Later we write regedit and press Enter or the OK button.
Once in the Registry, we proceed to make a backup copy of it, in case something goes wrong to be able to restore it. To do this, click on the “File” and “Export” tab. In the next window, within the Export interval section, we select “All” and save.
Later we will navigate to the next route.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / WindowsUpdate
Here we must create a new key, clicking with the right mouse button. We choose New and Clave. As a name we write OSUpgrade. Then we right-click on the created key and choose New and DWORD Value (32 Bits). Here we write the name AllowOSUpgrade as the name of the new DWORD.
Next, we double click on AllowOSUpgrade to open its properties. Here, we set the value data to 1 and click OK to save the changes. Finally, we close the Editor, restart the system and check if the error is solved.