It is presented unexpectedly and comes with an interesting trailer to let us know more about final fantasy XVI and it’s medieval background and game style.

Although Square Enix has some plans to come, we have not yet had it during the last E3 in 2021. Seeing this game, it seems that the development is progressing well.
Listen to the words of the game’s main person in charge, Naoki Yoshida, who provided more information about the development status of the new part of one of the most popular role-playing games.
“Talk about the game. There are currently several Final Fantasy
games in development. “
As we saw in Nova Crystallis, Legend Radio said that the script for the main story of the creative story is ready. Everything is going well without any problems, although this also shows that they are gradually taking action to obtain the best quality final product, which is consistent with the announcement that it will be delivered a month ago. people think that.
Final fantasy XVI fits into Square Enix’s plan. Square Enix claims to create new IPs and improve some games every year.