‘Avengers: Endgame’ was, until now, the highest grossing movie in history. With a budget of $356 million and a global gross of almost $2,797 million, the Russo brothers’ film managed to displace James Cameron’s’ Avatar ‘from the top of the podium. However, ‘Avatar’ has regained its crown after being re-released in China.
This is advanced by the Hollywood Reporter, who assures that the return of ‘Avatar’ to the Chinese theaters has managed to raise its collection to 2.8 billion dollars. Only during the afternoon of Saturday he managed to raise eight million. Therefore, ‘Avatar’, which was released in 2009 and whose sequel has not yet been known, is once again the highest grossing movie in history, while ‘Endgame’ remains in a not inconsiderable second place.
2009 to the top of the box office
Both Marvel and the Russo brothers have not hesitated to congratulate James Cameron for his feat with posts on Twitter. From Marvel Studios they have said “Congratulations to James Cameron, Jon Landau and the entire Na’vi nation for claiming the box office crown. We want you 3,000.” The Russo brothers, meanwhile, have written “Passing the glove back” and mentioning James Cameron.
As Jon Landau, who was the producer of Avatar, has expressed, “We are proud to have achieved this milestone, but what Jim and I are most happy about is that the film has returned to theaters in these unprecedented times, and we want to give it thanks to our Chinese fans for their support. “He has further stated that he is still working on the “next Avatar movie.”
This, without a doubt, is good news for Disney, since both ‘Avengers: Endgame’ and ‘Avatar’ are part of its movie catalog. ‘Avengers: Endgame’ is from Marvel and ‘Avatar’ is from 20th Century Fox, which is from Disney since March 2019, when it bought the studio for $71.3 billion.

Regarding the sequels to ‘Avatar’, the last we know is that Disney delayed the premiere until December 2022. ‘Avatar 2’ has finished filming and now there is a tough post-production work ahead. We also know that there will be ‘Avatar 3’, dated 2024. On ‘Avatar 4’ and ‘Avatar 5’, James Cameron was very clear about it in 2017: if ‘Avatar 2’ and ‘Avatar 3’ don’t make enough money, there will be no fourth and fifth installments.
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