Steam continues to break records: Valve’s platform surpasses 27 million simultaneous players

The gaming platform Valve presented ago about his days as traditional Autumn Sale of Steam, where you can find titles like Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order or Red Dead Redemption 2 discounted. Steam Sales are one of the many practices that the platform has known how to popularize and that have served to allow it to reap more and more surprising numbers of users.

Last year 2020, Steam experienced a large increase in the number of users during the toughest months of the pandemic, something that was adjusted to the situation derived from the global health crisis, where the need for social distancing and the different confinements, led many players to be more active on the platform.

However, far from being a specific event, the figures recorded by Valve’s platform have not stopped increasing in a record 2021. The year started surpassing the figures of 2020, with more than 25 million simultaneous players and still in this 2021, which is approaching its end, it has managed to exceed 27 million simultaneous players.

A record number where the great protagonists of the Top in these last 24 hours, have been some of the most veteran. Classic Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Valve’s popular MOBA DOTA 2 take the top spots, followed by PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, Apex Legends, and New World. Valve intends to continue conquering more players with its new portable console, Steam Deck, which will hit the market in February 2022.

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