Capcom continues to release more and more material on the Resident Evil 4 Remake, so much in fact that I’ve already stopped and decided I’ve had enough. Wow, I was already convinced from the beginning, because Resident Evil 4 is one of those games that I still fall in love with every time I play it. Of course, I was very curious to see if they dared to show something more than the mythical town and castle. And even if it is in a crushed footage of a few seconds, it seems that he has done it. The island. The damn island returns and we don’t know if in the form of a sheet. It seems so, because the explosions multiply everywhere.
Come on, let’s back up a bit. There is a compelling reason to “hate” this part of the game a bit and another reason not to. Because not everything is bad. After all, it is in this part of the game, after escaping from the castle, when those regenerators appear that made my pulse race beyond my capabilities the first time. The regenerators command respect, and the way you deal with them is perfectly crafted so that, the first time around, you have to understand that your traditional way of playing won’t work with this enemy, and then, when you do understand, you’ll still be nervous about his advance while you try to hit his weak point.
Look how Capcom doesn’t teach these. I am sure that the remake has some great moment with them, that will make us suffer again even those of us who already know how to deal with these monsters perfectly. But then what about the island? Well, it happens a bit like with many Resident Evil endings, which takes everything into action without contemplation. Where the whole game of conscientious exploration, saving ammo, and cautious play is flushed down the toilet to unleash the easy trigger. The island is perhaps the most extreme example of all this, taking the action to Call of Duty levels, with some kind of enemy-military cattle and all. Even coverage dynamics. Anyway…
As I say, it is not only Resident Evil 4 that sins in this. Something similar happens in Resident Evil 7, for example, and even more so in Resident Evil Village. At this point in the movie (of the video game), by the time you’re given a machine gun you know what’s going to happen next. I think I understand why Capcom does these final action parts. You have spent hours having a hard time with less effective weapons, with the ammunition counted and exploring every corner so as not to spend a box of bullets or cartridges. This moment has to be the one that allows you to let your hair down a bit and release some adrenaline.
The point is that, although it makes sense, it doesn’t quite work for me. I have spent the whole game enjoying a fantastic design in which I have been chased, ambushed, had to solve puzzles, saving every bullet and taking care of every shot, to end up with a radically different game system, belonging almost to the other spectrum of the game. shooter, in which you unleash a salad of shots at the same enemies repeated over and over again. To me, it’s like I’m on a point and click adventure, enjoying the puzzles and the slow development, and the designer thinks he’s going to throw in a platforming sequence. No, let’s see, I have come here to live an experience close to terror, with tension, adjusted enemies and well-cared settings. If I want something else, I just play another game. In addition, Resident Evil 4 was already the first to bet more on action, but on a tense and measured type of action.

The second part of the island not only transforms the Resident Evil experience into a complete turnaround. It also seems the least cared for. Its settings are also transformed and no longer look like a complex place to master full of secrets, and it culminates with a final fight (I won’t say against whom) that is obviously disappointing. After the great moments that some bosses in the game have given you, which have kept you constantly on the move looking for a way to beat them in often closed places and with narrow corridors, here we have an area where it is easy to move and even more so understand the dynamics of the boss and dodge it, until attacking its weak point.
Add all that up and, of course, it leaves a somewhat unsatisfactory feeling. In the global computation it matters less, because until that moment you have had a wonderful experience, which in its time was added to the fact that it was very new. But since Capcom has no problem making all the necessary modifications to its remakes, I would like to see that this final part is better treated. Watching the trailer and knowing a bit about Resident Evil endings, I don’t hold out much hope, but hey, at least this time, we don’t have Quick Time Events.