Good news for Xiaomi. The United States has agreed to remove Xiaomi from its blacklist with potentially harmful companies for the country. A list where Huawei is still, but where Xiaomi will be able to operate freely again.
The decision comes weeks after a US judge agreed with Xiaomi after his appeal. The court ruled that no compelling national security interests were actually involved and argued that the Xiaomi veto was “arbitrary and capricious.”
An agreement that opens the door again for Xiaomi in the US
After months of legal battle, Xiaomi has convinced the US not to be a “Chinese military communist company”. The last January the United States Department of Defense included Xiaomi blacklisted for this reason, along with 44 other Chinese companies. The veto prohibited US companies from working and investing in them.
Xiaomi appealed and denied the allegations, stating that they faced “imminent, serious and irreparable harm if the decision remains in effect and the restrictions go into effect.” The court accepted that Xiaomi was not an armed wing of the Chinese government and froze the blockade.
Now, the US government has gone one step further reaching an agreement with Xiaomi to remove the company from its blacklist and re-establish business relations.
With the agreement, Xiaomi begins to turn the page of the veto initiated by the Trump Administration. At the moment a compromise agreement has been signed, but the litigation continues. As Bloomberg describes, the details of the deal and specific terms are still being worked on. It is expected that on May 20 a formal proposal will be presented.

In response to Technoeager, from Xiaomi they explain that they are “closely following the evolution of this issue”, but prefer not to make official comments.