We knew that Resident Evil 8 Village was one of the most anticipated games of 2021, but we did not know that it was going to crush all the previous episodes of the saga. Regarding the activity, at least: being just released, it is difficult to know if it will sell better or worse than the rest of the installments of the saga. Still, the numbers don’t lie: the PC version registers enviable activity figures.
At the time of this writing, Steam Charts is registering 97,509 concurrent RE8 players on Valve’s platform – its highest peak yet. We do not rule out that it will be even better before the most difficult hours hit the West. The previous record for the entire RE series was held by the Resident Evil 2 remake, which reached 74,024 concurrent players in early 2019. As you can see, that’s a pretty respectable margin.
The activity is not the same as sales, but it aims to have a record reception
As a reminder, the game has been released (in addition to PC) on Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, PS4, PS5, and Stadia. At Technoeager we have also been able to test it: in our analysis of Resident Evil 8, our colleague Alejandro Pascual valued this installment positively, with a message: “It will not be as memorable as the most successful installments, but it is enjoyed from beginning to end.”

On the other hand, we have also shared an optimization guide to help you squeeze the performance of Resident Evil 8 on PC and know which are the parameters that consume the most resources of the game. Thanks to the RE Engine, it shouldn’t be difficult to adapt the game to any mid-range or high-end rig. And it is not the only thing that Capcom has prepared, because next year the PC version of Monster Hunter Rise will also arrive.