Now it is possible to import WhatsApp chat and other messaging apps data to Telegram. In recent weeks Telegram has gained enormous popularity alongside Signal due to privacy changes on WhatsApp. This has also caused Telegram to look for ways and means to attract and keep more users. The last one? Import WhatsApp chat to have them directly on Telegram and thus not miss the Facebook app.
The new feature has appeared with the update to Telegram 7.4 on iOS, according to Telegram. At the moment it is not available for Android. According to this update, it is now possible to transfer the conversation history “from apps like WhatsApp, Line, KakaoTalk”.
Through this option what Telegram allows is that the conversations of other apps become on their own platform and in the conversation that we already have there with the other person. In this way we can easily search the history even if the conversation has occurred in another app previously.
Import WhatsApp chat to Telegram
The steps to import conversations are relatively straightforward. If we want to import WhatsApp chat to Telegram, follow these instructions:
- In WhatsApp go to the contact from which we want to import the conversation.
- In the contact information choose ‘Export chat’.
- From the available sharing options choose the Telegram app.
- In Telegram select the contact where we want the conversation to be imported.
Ready. With this, the imported conversation will appear as “forwarded messages” in the Telegram conversation with said contact. It is not the most elegant method of all, but it can be useful to have the information in one place. Of course, it must be borne in mind that a conversation can be imported into the conversation with anyone from Telegram, it does not have to be exactly the same person that comes from WhatsApp nor is their confirmation required for the process.
An avalanche of features in the shadow of WhatsApp
The app announced on January 13 that they had already exceeded 500 million users, however WhatsApp and the empire of Facebook are still far behind. On the negative side is the fact that there is still no clear system for monetization of the app, which is currently free and has no advertising. Another important point is that its security is in question, it does not have end-to-end encryption like WhatsApp does.