Bluepoint Games recently give the notice that it’s one of the game Demon’s Souls will not have ray tracing. We are already finishing the month of October, which means that we are close to entering the month that will bring us the new generation of consoles. Sony’s option for the next few years is PlayStation 5, which will be released on November 12 in some markets of different places. One of the first totally next-gen games to accompany the PS5 launch is Demon’s Souls and we now know that it will not be ray traced .
The creative director has made it clear that the decision was made due to development times.
The game started its planning without considering this lighting techniqueThe creative director of the video game, Gavin Moore, has given a series of interviews to different media around the world. Well, in an interview with the LevelUp portal, the developer has stated that the game will not have ray tracing: ” We do not implement ray tracing in Demon’s Souls. It is not because we could not or because PlayStation 5 could not do it, since it is completely able to do it “

The reason why Bluepoint Games has decided not to use ray tracing in Demon’s Souls is due to development times , since the game began its planning without taking into account this lighting technique and introducing it has a cost, not just money, but also in time. Moore, yes, has made it clear that the game has lighting and shadows in real time.
“It’s like any other graphical improvement, there is a cost. If we had implemented ray tracing in the game, that would mean that we would have had to leave something out. There is a limited time in game development. When we started development we did not know there would be ray tracing in the game, so it was not in our original vision. We wanted to focus on the environments and the look of the characters. Everything is lighting in real time with shadows in real time, “said Moore.
If we had implemented ray tracing, that would mean we would have had to leave something out
The reality is that at first there was some doubt about whether or not Demon’s Souls used ray tracing. PlayStation itself made a little mess on its blog, but ended up stating that it would have this technology. The reality is that today, the game does not expressly stated in the official website to use ray tracing, for example something that does appear in the record of Ratchet and Clank: A separate dimension.
Beyond the absence of ray tracing, this week we learned that Demon’s Souls will have two 4K graphics modes with higher or lower framerate, depending on our preferences. By the way, if you missed the new trailer that PlayStation showed of the game, we highly recommend that you watch it, since the title looks really spectacular running on PS5, a machine that we already have in 3D Games and have been testing.