The Sun is eclipsed, on average, twice a year, a beautiful astronomical event that has always fascinated humans and helps us understand the Universe
On June 10, 2021 we were able to contemplate how a small piece of the Sun disappeared in the middle of the morning, as if a giant had taken a small bite. A few minutes later, our star was complete again.
In other latitudes, the effect was even more spectacular. The few inhabitants of the Arctic Circle were able to enjoy a ring of fire that for a few seconds replaced our star king, the Sun.
Globally, for almost 5 hours, the Sun was eclipsed in some part of our planet. Starting in the Atlantic Ocean, and being the inhabitants of Kumul, in the Northwest of China, the last who could see this eclipse.
Although this event has its days numbered, enjoying this astronomical wonder is something that we can still do for generations. Dr Lucie Green of the Mullard Space Science Laboratory, the largest in the UK, says that it is “an eclipse gives us the opportunity to connect with the Sun.”
Solar eclipses occur when the Sun, Moon, and Earth align and the Moon comes between us and our star. But an eclipse is not the same for everyone, depending on the place on Earth from when we look at the sky, we only see a small part of the sun disappear, what we call a partial solar eclipse. In certain places, the concealment is complete.
The position of the Moon determines if it will completely cover the Sun or will let us see a ring instead of the star we are used to.

In a total eclipse, when the sun disappears, the Moon is at perigee, the point of its orbit closest to Earth. In contrast, during annular eclipses, when all we see of the Sun is a ring of fire, the Moon is at its apogee, the farthest point in its orbit from our planet.
Lucie Green continues, “Normally our star dazzles us with its brightness and we don’t pay much attention to it. But during eclipses, we are able to see the Moon slide over the Sun, reminding us of the precise clockwork that is the Solar System in which we live.”
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