Users have faced problems to recover Facebook account due to many reasons and here are all the possible solutions to recover your account. You try to log into your account, but Facebook won’t let you. Do not panic. We are going to see all the possible causes of blockage, and how to solve them.
It must be recognized that today there are more people trying to leave than to enter Facebook, due to its innumerable privacy problems. Even so, millions of people continue to use this controversial social network, and for them the login problems are a headache.
In this article we are going to discover all the possible solutions to recover Facebook account if you have problems logging into Facebook.
There are many reasons why it is not possible to enter Facebook. Sometimes it is our fault, because we entered the password incorrectly or we do not have cookies activated. But sometimes it’s a Facebook problem, or even our account may have been hacked.
To avoid this type of problem, it is best to take a series of precautions before it occurs, as we will see. We’re also going to take a look at all the possible causes of the crash, and then the steps to take to get back on Facebook.
It is not difficult to regain control of your account (as long as it has not been hacked), so the important thing is that you do not panic. We can easily recover Facebook account following these steps:
How to enter Facebook
What to do before losing control
As in all situations in life, when entering Facebook, prevention is better than cure. We have to assume that we are ever going to have login problems, and to solve them as quickly as possible, the most practical thing is to protect the account before these problems occur.
If you still have access to your Facebook account, complete these tasks to protect it.
Two-step verification
Two-step verification allows you to add an extra layer of security. If Facebook detects a strange entry attempt, for example from another country, it sends a code to your mobile. And since you only have your mobile, no one can enter your account.
To activate 2-Step Verification for Facebook, follow these instructions:
Log in to Facebook and access your account, in the upper right corner, and go to Settings
- Tap on Security & Login on the left and go to Use Two-Step Authentication
- It will ask you to choose to use a special authentication app or an SMS message sent to your mobile (SMS is the most comfortable). Choose an option, and you will have activated this extra protection system.
Recover Facebook account by identifying trusted friends
If your Facebook account is stolen, there is a chance to get it back. You have to prove to Facebook that you are the rightful owner, and sometimes it is complicated because you do not remember the passwords, or the data with which you registered.
A very original way to solve the problem is to choose between 3 and 5 trusted friends. If your account is stolen, these friends can send you a code that will allow you to recover it.
To select trusted friends on Facebook :
- Log in to Facebook and go to Settings, in the upper right corner.
- Tap on Security and Login, on the left, look for the Configure Additional Security section and go to Choose friends you can ask for help if you lose access to your account
- Select multiple friends to receive an alert. If they agree, they will be marked.
Keep in mind that these people will have in their possession a code with which they can access your account themselves, or sell it to a cybercriminal. Therefore, only add family or real friends, not an Internet acquaintance with whom you do not have total confidence. Using this method to recover Facebook account will be helpful if you have trustful friends that you are in touch with.
Add the mobile number
In the Profile data, within the account settings, add your mobile number. If you lose your Facebook account, it will use it to recover it.
Your mobile is not forgotten like an email or a password, and it is much more difficult to steal.
Why can’t I log into my account?
There are many reasons why Facebook prevents us from accessing our account. Some depend on us, but others do not. We will see all the situations.
Facebook is down
If you try to enter Facebook but the service does not respond or gives you an error, it may happen that Facebook is saturated, or has fallen due to excess traffic, or an error.
You have to check what happens to everyone, and not just your connection. You can enter the Website Planet web, which tells you if a service is down.
Enter the web, enter the Facebook name in the box, and it will tell you if it is down. If so, wait a while to re-enter.
Correct password?
It’s a bit embarrassing, but sometimes we can’t get into Facebook because … we’re entering the password wrong . Maybe we have Caps Lock turned on inadvertently, or we mistake a 0 for an O.
Keep in mind that sometimes the copy and paste function does not work well with certain websites, or we are pasting an additional space at the end of the password, without realizing it.
Manually type the password, letter by letter.
Someone spies on your account

A fairly common cause of blocking access to your account is that someone is spying on your content. A cybercriminal has obtained your password, for example through phishing or through a fake email or message, and can access your account.
This spy doesn’t want to keep it, just steal your personal data, that’s why he doesn’t change the password and you can also access it. The problem is that if Facebook detects two accesses from very different places at the same time, for example you are in Spain and the spy in Russia, it activates an alarm and can block the account until it is clear who the owner is. You have more information on this card:
Password theft by brute force
The most common way to lose your account is for the cybercriminal to impersonate Facebook , for example by sending you an email or a message on their behalf with a link to a website that is a copy of Facebook, or a service that uses Facebook. You enter your passwords believing you are on Facebook, and they are stolen.
But there are cases in which people use passwords that are so bad that they can be discovered by brute force, ie acertándola. If you use passwords type 1234 , real words like RealMadrid, or dates, a computer algorithm can discover them.
Always use random passwords , with mixed letters, numbers, and symbols, in upper and lower case.
Your account has been stolen
Spying can be avoided by changing the password so that the spy cannot re-enter, but things get complicated when that spy also has access to your email, and changes the password.
At that moment he becomes the owner of the account, and you will not be able to enter because even if you ask for a new password, they will send it to his email.
Fortunately, even if your account is stolen, there are ways to recover it, as we are going to see, but it may take time.
You have a virus
If Facebook detects that you have malware on your PC or mobile, it will refuse to log in. Run an antivirus to eliminate the threat, and log in again.
How to regain Facebook access
If you have lost access to your Facebook account, this is what you have to do to get it back.
The steps are very similar whether you access from the computer or from the mobile, so they are valid for all devices.
Activate cookies
Facebook needs the cookies of your browser or app to be activated, to spy … to keep track of your account.
If you have cookies disabled in your browser or one has been corrupted, Facebook may not let you log in.
Access your browser settings, enter the Privacy / Security section, look for the Cookies section, and on Websites that can use cookies or something similar, add the website :
Please restart your browser and try to log in again.
Restart the device or uninstall the app
Sometimes the problem may be that some data related to the login has been corrupted . Reboot your device and try again, or uninstall Facebook and install it again.
First recovery attempt:
Whatever problem you have had with your account, first you have to try to recover it with the main option that Facebook offers.
Enter the web or Facebook app and try to log in. It will ask for your username and password.
If it doesn’t recognize them or you’ve lost them, tap Forgot your password? It will take you to a page where you will have to enter your email address or your mobile number to try the recovery.
If you have entered the correct email or mobile number, you will receive a code via email or SMS. Enter it, and you can create a new password to use your account again.
It is possible that even if you know your email address, it has been stolen with one of the methods explained above, and you cannot receive the code. Or the name that appears associated with your email is not yours (a sign that your account has been stolen and changed). In that case, go to the next point.
My email address has been stolen
If you cannot receive the recovery code in your email , you will see that in the window where the code will be sent, there is a button that says Do you no longer have access? :
Touch it, and it will ask you for additional information to verify that you are the rightful owner. Depending on the information you have entered in your profile, it will ask you for one of these:
- Your mobile number
- Username
- A second email address
- Your real name and surname, and your date of birth
- Trusted friends
- If you have any of these data, Facebook will do a series of checks to verify that they are true, and if so, it will give you access to the account.
To give you more possibilities, perform all these steps from the same computer or the same mobile, and the same WiFi network that you used when you used your Facebook account.
Use trusted friends
If you followed the steps that we explained in the first part of the report, you should have a trusted friend associated with your account.
If so, when trying to recover the Facebook account, it will warn you, and it will ask you for a friend code. Click Reveal my trusted contacts and enter the full name of one of your trusted contacts.
You will see a set of instructions with a special link. Send the link to your friend and ask him to open it. A login code will appear on your link. Ask him to give you the login code.
You enter it in the box, and Facebook will give you access to your account, because if a friend has given you the code, it is because you are the rightful owner.
Recovery from a friend or relative’s account
If your account or mobile phone has been stolen, or you don’t remember your account details, you can try to recover it from the account of a family member or acquaintance who has you as a friend. Ask him to access his friends list and select your profile.
Tap on the three dots below the photo, and select Find help or report profile :
Facebook will ask you what the problem is: if the account is false, if it pretends to be someone else, if it is your account and you cannot access it, etc:
Choose the Other option , and then Recover this account . You will return to the previous steps that we have explained, to enter data that identifies you as its legitimate owner, and you can recover it.
Facebook has disabled my account!
Another cause of blocking may be that Facebook itself has disabled your account , either because you have broken a rule, or because it has been stolen and used to violate rules.
If so, you must access this disqualification website, where you must explain to Facebook what happened, and they will decide if they will return your account.
Help, I’ve been hacked!
If you come to the conclusion that your Facebook account has been hacked … don’t panic! ( or if). You can try to recover it with the previous steps by accessing this Facebook hacking website, where you will be asked for specific information about your account, to verify that you are the owner, and not the thief…
Answer the questions and provide as much information as you can. The more data you put into your account (real name, date of birth, mobile, friends list), the more chances you will have of recovering it.
It is also important to access from the device where you used Facebook. The security services will consult your access history, and if for years the account has been used from your location and suddenly the new owner is in Malaysia, surely Facebook suspects him …
If you follow all these tips, your Facebook account will be more secure and you can recover it if there is a problem. Luck!