When we want to have a good selection of best Android games available in one place, users in the United States have Play Pass , but in Spain we do not have that option. Luckily, we also have a subscription app where we find a great selection of games, such as GameClub.

GameClub is an application where we find more than 100 of the best Android games that we can install on the phone. All of them gathered in this application, where we pay a subscription to have access to all of them. Various games, some already classic, that make it an attractive bet.
After launching last October on iOS, GameClub finally makes its arrival on Android. The idea behind the application is simple, we pay a subscription and in this way we have access to these 100 games . By having such a subscription, we can download each of these best Android games for free on the phone and play without limits. There will be no purchases or advertisements inside that game.
The selection of games is varied, since there are titles that are somewhat old , thus obtaining a new boost, although there are also some more recent games. The selection may be less attractive to some than other subscriptions like the Play Pass. GameClub is updated every week with new games , thus expanding its offer, so you can add titles of interest to it.
When you open the application, you find the games organized into categories (by genre). If there is one that you like, you will be able to access it and then it will take you to download the game on Google Play, so that you can install it on the phone. Then you can play this title, or other of the best Android games, without interruptions, since there will be no purchases, ads or extras of any kind.
A subscription to this application costs 5.49 euros per month , the first of which is free as a trial. So it is in a price range very similar to that of subscriptions like Play Pass. In addition, by being able to try this first month, you will be able to see if it is something that really interests you or not, especially if new games of interest are coming to it. If you want to try it, you can download it from the Play Store.